When you start with realistic expectations, everything becomes upside potential. How often have you been mad at yourself for failing to meet your own expectations? Like losing to that player you should have beat. People ask a lot about why they...
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Tennis players are hot on the latest string technology, but is there something they're forgetting? We love spin, and spinny strings - let's get that straight. Huge baseline rippers that are pulled back down with a magnetic force and explode off the...
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Chasing victory, and the sun, through a stormy tennis match You may be wondering why we haven't posted any new videos recently. Not going to lie, it's been a mess around here. "I didn't even know this was possible," I thought...
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Strings are like cars. Are you the Civic owner or the Lambo owner? When it comes to strings there are a lot of confusing terms being thrown around to describe them. Dead, mushy, boardy, crisp, rubbery - are a few...
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Imagine you show up to your match and you see your opponent doing sprints in the parking lot. How many times have you showed up to a match not ready, not prepared, and you knew you should have done something...
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